Full-time pet photography with Sarah Stangl

What does a full-time pet photography business look like? In short, whatever you want it to be! In this blog-series we’ve asked successful pet photographers around the globe ten quick questions on what their businesses look like to in order to give you a starting point!

Meet Sarah Stangl

Abenteuerhunde fotografie | Switzerland

Sarah is based in beautiful Switzerland where she lives with her husband and two Australian Shepherd dogs.

She is a full time professional pet photographer specializing in storytelling and adventure photography.

Her aim is to create an unforgettable experience for her clients and capture those precious candid moments as well as stunning ‘the shot’ images in breathtaking mountain landscapes.

Besides the individually planned adventure photoshoots for outdoorsy dog people, Sarah teaches photography through educational photo hikes and workshops for (semi-) professional pet photographers. In 2022 her first book on dog photography 'Hundefotografie - So setzt du deine Fellnase liebevoll in Szene' was published by Rheinwerk Verlag in German.

Sarah takes her clients hiking for photoshoot adventures with their pets. She has a profitable digital-only price model and is consistently booked months in advance with starting prices 1440.- Swiss Francs (approx. US$1550).. paid upfront.. and most of her clients become repeat clients, booking again in another location or different season!

Here are her responses to our ten quick questions on full-time pet photography!

1. How long does a pet photoshoot typically last with you?
A half day hiking photshoot, which is booked most often, takes 3-6 hours depending on the location and fitness of the clients. This includes the hiking, the photoshoots along the way and of course some breaks to just enjoy the view and eat a picnic.

2. Do you advise on locations or let clients choose locations that are meaningful or convenient to them?
I always invite my clients to a planing session over Zoom where I would first listen to their wants, needs and try to figure out what would suit them best. If they have a location idea of their own, I am happy to make it happen for them. Usually the clients trust my suggestions for a location.

3. Do you work alone or do you have a team to assist you (e.g., second shooter, partner, photographer’s assistant, hair and makeup)?
So far I work alone. I woud love to team up with a good videographer though.

 4. What is your turnaround time after the shoot to present the images to your clients?
I aim to deliver the images within 3 weeks. During high season it can take longer.

5. How do you present images to your clients for their selection?
The images are delivered through an online gallery. The clients do not get to select them themselves as I deliver a big number of images which are included in their pre-paid package- same as a wedding photographer would do.

6. Typically how many images from a shoot do you present to your clients?
For a half day hike its about 70-100 images. For a two day hike up to 200 images. It is important for me to deliver a big variety of images that tell the clients adventure story of the day.

7. What is your opinion on providing clients with digital files?
This is the very least we can do for them

8. What is your most popular print size or product?
I do not sell prints at the time. My clients book a package based on the duration of the adventure and digital images are included with each package.

9. Do you have any tips or advice for someone who is starting out with pet photography?
Learn how to market and do business

10. If you were moving to a new city with the knowledge you have now, how would you launch your new business?
First: Find your niche and photograph what you love. This may take time for you to figure out so give it time. Don't try to copy someones work just because it’s popular at the time. This will not make you stand out or happy with your work.
Second: Just practice as often as you can. Start by photographing your family and friends.

Are you full time? We can feature your responses too, just complete the form here!

Looking for the other features in our Full Time Pet Photographer series? Find those here

You can be full-time too.. Learn from Sarah

Sarah is instructing at The Pet Photographers Retreat in Tuscany this April sharing her knowledge on shooting storytelling images, the profitable digital-only model, setting up lead-magnets and newsletter strategies.. plus you can be instructed by her during a photoshoot workshop!

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